Bristol Total Fitness March 25 Newsletter

February 21, 2025 / Bristol, News & Announcements


Regular Hours
*Expanded* Sunday Hours: 7:30 am - 5 pm


Free Natural Movement (Movnat) Demo with Adriana Ferns

MovNat is a school of physical competence for the real-world. The goal is to equip people with the movement skills, physiological preparedness (strength & conditioning), and mindset necessary for practical, adaptable performance – both fundamental and high level. This type of training is great for anyone looking to get out of their comfort zone to try something new and exciting. Let Adriana show you what MovNat is all about!

Time: Saturday, Mar 1st @ 7:45 am
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

A Wish Come True Class-A-Thon

Total Fitness is Teaming up with A Wish Come True to raise funds by offering fun group fitness classes every half hour for a small donation. This organization is the oldest wish-granting organization in RI and MA. Their mission is to grant magical wishes AND provide resources to families that have a child struggling with a life-threatening illness, 3-18 years of age. Most of the Wish Children are surviving their illnesses, which requires additional support and causes stress on the families. The Magical Wish remains an opportunity to provide hope, love, and happy memories that last a lifetime. They provide financial resources to families in crisis and support to those in need.

Bristol Event Instructors: 
  • 8:00 am Bosu - Sue G
  • 8:30 am Drumming - Gina
  • 9:00 am Spin - Vicki & Mary*
  • 9:30 am Butts & Guts - Lara
  • 10 am Beam Fit - Tammy
  • 10:30 am Yoga Stretch - Carol M

*Sign-up is required before the event. See the front desk for details.


Participation Fee: $5 Per Class or $25 for all 6 ClassesTime: Saturday, Mar 15th @ 8am - 11pm (Open to the Public)


Bristol Total Fitness Blood Drive

Bristol Total Fitness is hosting a Blood Drive for the Rhode Island Blood Center. The blood center distributes blood products to hospitals in Rhode Island and Southern New England. Don’t forget to bring your driver's license or another form of ID when you donate. For your generous donation, you will receive a FREE Shake.

Friday @ 2 pm – 8 pm, Mar 21st

Location: Bloodmobile at Bristol Total Fitness

OLife Organics

Now offered at Bristol Total Fitness! OLife is a meal prep company featuring meals made from all USDA Certified Organic ingredients. It is the only company who packages meals in a skin-packing film that can last up to a year in the freezer!

Location: Dartmouth Total Fitness Front Desk


Join Online Today!

Now instead of coming to our clubs to purchase memberships, people will have the opportunity to purchase memberships at their convenience from their computer, smartphones, etc. Feel free to share the link with friends and family.

Online Offer: $29 a Month


Pilates Studio @ Bristol Total Fitness

Work your body, mind and lift your spirit in our Pilates Studio located at Bristol Total Fitness. Contact us for your complimentary 30 minute Pilate's equipment introduction. Click Here for more information.

685 Metacom Ave
Bristol, RI

Personal Training for Perimenopause & Menopause with Adriana Ferns

Are you a Woman in your 40,50,60's who's noticing changes in sleep, mood, fatigue, hot flashes, unexplained weight gain, and other new, out-of-the-blue changes in your body? You may be in perimenopause and or menopause if you'd like personalized help navigating this transition. I offer one-on-one sessions that specialize in the fitness and nutrition aspect of this life change as well as sleeping and lifestyle tools to help you enter this stage a bit more comfortably.

Time: By Appointment

Cost: $75 Per Session
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Assisted Stretch Sessions with Crystal Troiano

Crystal Troiano is a NASM-certified personal trainer and assisted stretch practitioner.

Assisted stretching is a deeply relaxing, and restorative service designed for each client with their individual needs in mind making it a wonderful addition to your workout routine on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

Whether you are an athlete recovering from your sport or in need of a passive stretch with the use of the RTR (Rapid tension release) gun after an intense workout to loosen tight muscles, hand's-on assisted stretch is our industry's go-to for facilitating a wider range of motion and increasing flexibility through slow & careful placements of your body's limbs and torso into static stretch positions with Crystal's patient and intuitive assistance.

Deep breathing and mindful visualization are also incorporated to enhance muscle memory, allowing you to begin your journey towards a more flexible, and mobile you.

Time: By Appointment
Cost: Pricing is available at the front desk.
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Strengthen & Lengthen with Erin Ward

Reap the benefits of a Pilates reformer workout! For 4 weeks chisel, your core, elongate your muscles, and tone your whole body. The Pilates reformer is a spring-loaded carriage that provides resistance along with your own body. It provides support for the body while encouraging good posture. Get long and lean! Must have prior reformer experience or you must complete 3 Private Pilates Sessions prior to attending a group reformer training. (min. 3 max. 5 participants)

Wednesday @ 11 am - 12 pm, Mar 5th - Mar 26th
Wednesday @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Mar 5th - Mar 26th
Thursday @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Mar 6th - Mar 27th
Friday @10:30 am - 11:30 am, Mar 7th - Mar 28th

Cost: $100
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Total Body Transformation with Sue Gibeau

Do YOU need a fitness Intervention? Join fitness coach Sue Gibeau for this 8-week, small group training and regain your fitness motivation. Become more confident as she coaches you through challenging but doable weekly workouts to increase your overall strength, flexibility, and cardio endurance using assorted fitness equipment and training styles, All fitness levels are welcome and modifications are provided. (Fitness assessment recommended.) (Intermediate Fitness Level Group Training.) (3 min. 6 max.)

Wednesday @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Mar 5th - Apr 23rd

Cost: $145
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Bodeez N' Motion with Susan Gibeau

The focus of this small group training is individual progress. Using a variety of training styles while utilizing assorted fitness equipment, workouts will target total body muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, mobility, and balance. If you love a challenge, this group training is for YOU!!! A fitness assessment is strongly recommended! (min. 3 max. 6 participants)

Thursday @ 5 pm - 6 pm, Mar 6th - Apr 24th

Cost: $145
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Next Level Fitness with Susan Gibeau

Do you enjoy group fitness? Are you looking for more challenging workouts to bring you out of your comfort zone? Then this 6-week program is for you! Each week you will be challenged with a total body conditioning workout that combines various equipment and training styles. Let Sue fire up your metabolism to torch those calories while building overall strength and endurance. (Fitness assessment recommended.) (Intermediate Fitness Level Group Training.) (3 min. 6 max.)

Saturday @ 9:45 am - 10:45 am, Mar 8th - Apr 12th

Cost: $110
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Humpday Hustle with Adriana Ferns

Expand your training repertoire. Join Adriana for this program that focuses not only on high intensity but also includes circuit training with an emphasis on Olympic Lifting, body weight exercises, and conditioning. Experience is necessary. (3 min. 6 max.)

Wednesday @ 6 am - 7 am, Mar 19th - May 7th (8 Weeks)

Cost: $100 (4 Weeks) $185 (8 Weeks)
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Group Training with Adriana Ferns

Make progress and mix up your routine with circuit strength training, cardio intervals, and more. Join Adriana for fun routines that will keep you accountable and challenged. (min. 3 max. 6 participants)

Friday @ 10 am - 11am, Mar 21st - May 9th

Cost: $100
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Natural Movement Group Training with Adriana Ferns

Relearn to move the way your body was designed to. Regain mobility, balance, strength, and overall movement. This class is for anyone who wants to feel awesome in their bodies. From those who sit all day to high-level athletes, this class will challenge anyone and all are welcome. (3 min. 6 max.)

Saturday @ 7:45 am - 8:45 am, Mar 22nd - May 10th (8 Weeks)

Cost: $100 (4 Weeks) $185 (8 Weeks)
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Pause and Reset with Adriana Ferns

This group training is for women in perimenopause and menopause who want to learn techniques and lifestyle changes in and outside of the gym to go through this season of life feeling and looking their best.

Tuesday @ 8 am - 9 am, Mar 25th - May 6th (8 Weeks)

Cost: $100 (4 Weeks) $185 (8 Weeks)
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Fitness ReVamp with Susan Gibeau

This 6-week group training is designed to challenge each participant with total body conditioning workouts. Assorted fitness equipment and training styles will fire up your metabolism, burn calories, and increase overall strength and endurance. A fitness assessment is recommended and modifications will be provided. (3 min. 6 max.)

Friday @ 8:45 am - 9:45 am, Apr 18th - May 23rd

Cost: $110
Location: Bristol Total Fitness

Specialty Classes

Specialty Classes:
- March Madness Ride - Thurs. 3/20 @ 8:30 am with Sue G

Pop-Up Class:
- Spinning with Mary - Every Mon. @ 5 pm
- Tread & Shred with Nadine - Every Wed. @ 10 am
- Spinning with Molly - Every Wed. @ 5:30 pm
- Line Dancing - Every Wed. @ 6:30 pm