Swansea Total Fitness November 24 Newsletter

October 23, 2024 / News & Announcements, Swansea


  • Wednesday, 11/27 All Clubs Close at 5 pm. Regular morning classes. All afternoon classes are cancelled.
  • Thursday, 11/28 All Clubs Open 7 am -11 am. Thanksgiving Day regularly scheduled classes are cancelled. See below for Thanksgiving Specialty Classes Offered.
  • Friday, 11/29 All Clubs Open at 8 am. Classes after 8 am.


1st Annual Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser for Veterans

Mark Your Calendars! Swansea Total Fitness is celebrating our veterans, the people who fought for our country with the selfless spirit that defines our communities. It is an event where we set aside ego and come together to raise awareness and funding for our Service Officers. All proceeds to benefit VFW Swansea Post 2045 and prizes will be awarded to the top teams. For more information contact www.waltermedeiros@totalfitnessclubs.com

Time: Nov 9th @ 11:30 am
Register at Location: Swansea Total Fitness from Sep 22nd - Nov 2nd

Cost: $50 per team (limit 2 people)

Thank You to Our Veterans

To all veterans of all branches: Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all. In appreciation for your service, all Total Fitness Clubs are offering a Free Water and Small Shake Coupon on Monday, November 11th.

Total Fitness Food Drive

Total Fitness is teaming up with the United Way for our annual food drive. We will be collecting non-perishable items such as Canned Vegetables, Cornbread Mix, Cranberry Sauce, Gravy, Stuffing and Instant Mashed Potatoes for families in need. There will be a bin to put your donations in the gym foyer, or they can be handed to the front desk.

Drive: Nov 1st – Nov 13th
Location: All Total Fitness Clubs

Join Online Today!

Now instead of coming to our clubs to purchase memberships, people will have the opportunity to purchase memberships at their convenience from their computer, smartphones, etc. Feel free to share the link with friends and family.

Online Offer: $29 a Month


Women of Steel with Walter Medeiros

Walt’s Women of Steel group training use various exercise modalities and methodologies from HIIT, to circuit,  to conventional strength training, to impact all areas of fitness: Muscular Endurance,  Muscular Strength, Cardiovascular health, Flexibility and Body Composition. Walt is well versed with a wide assortment of fitness tools to help keep workouts intense and ever-changing. There are various fitness level classes throughout the week, at all times of the day and classes run year-round, so if you are ready for the challenge contact Walt and find out which class(es) is the right fit for you at waltermedeiros@totalfitnessclubs.com.

Specialty Classes

Specialty Classes:
- Hatha Yoga with Cheryl - Mon. 11/4 & 11/18 @ 11:30 am
- Iso Jump with Nadine - Thurs. 11/14 & 11/21 @ 6:30 pm

Friday Night Lights 5:30 pm:
- Cardio Drumming with Mary Ann - 11/22
- Line Dancing Party with Mary Ann & Christine - 11/29

Thanksgiving Day Class 11/28:
- Total Body Cardio & Tone with Jen S. @ 9 am